Thursday, April 5, 2012

Evidence of the Resurrection

  Believe it or not, still today, with all the evidence that has been recorded, there are some who deny the physical resurrection of Jesus.  It is no wonder though.  To accept the fact that Jesus was dead and was resurrected physically, as predicted thousands of years before it happened, would mean that you have to face the reality that not only does God exist and is all powerful, you'd also have to seriously consider the reason for Jesus' death and resurrection.  And, you have to consider who Jesus really is.  Could it be that the Bible is true and the purpose for the death of Christ and subsequent resurrection was to reconcile us to Almighty God---indicating that we need reconciliation and unable to do it ourselves?

  This coming Sunday, we Christians celebrate the physical resurrection of Christ because without this event, the entire foundation of our Christian faith is false.  But we don't cling to this faith blindly.  There is ample evidence of the physical resurrection literally taking place (as apposed to some who suppose this story is a metaphor or hyperbole).

  • The circumstances at the tomb reveal a missing body.  Immediately there was a cover-up story invented by those in charge to discount this fact (Matthew 28:11-15).
  • Jesus appeared first to a woman, Mary Magdalene (John 20:1).  In ancient Jewish culture, no one would make up a resurrection account in this way, for a woman's testimony was considered weightless.
  • After the crucifixion, the disciples were full of doubt and fear. Suddenly they became willing to die for their claims.  Only the resurrection explains the change.
  • Only the resurrection explains the conversion of hardcore skeptics, such as the apostle Paul, James and doubting Thomas.
  • Only the resurrection explains the growth and survival of the Christian Church amid Roman oppression.
  • Too many appearances occurred over too many days to too many people for the resurrection to be easily dismissed (Acts 1:3)
  • Jesus appeared to 500 people at one time, many of whom were still living and could have disputed Paul's resurrection claims (1 Corinthians 15:6). They did not do this however because the appearance of Christ was well attested.
  Scripture is clear that Jesus' resurrection from the dead was physical.  In the New Testament, the Greek word for body (soma), when used of person, always means a physical body.  There are no exceptions to this. So all references to Jesus' resurrection body (soma) in the New Testament must be taken to mean a resurrected physical body.

 And you know what, in the same way that Christ was resurrected (physically) those of us in Him will be too!!!  I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to my new body that will never get sick, never get weak, never die!  

  Our Redeemer LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!